manifesting a specific person
EIYPO,  Limitless Beliefs,  Self Concept,  Specific Person

Why Every Manifestation is Really a Specific Person Manifestation

I notice that many manifestors, new and old, get stumped when it comes to specific person manifestations. Seeing this, I think it would be a good time to take a moment to address the truth of manifesting: all manifestations are specific person manifestations.

Maybe not in the way they appear, or in the way we perceive them, but just about every manifestation involves people moving things in the background, and these people often have to be very specific people.

But because of the way we perceive these people-working-in-the-background manifestations, we don’t think of all the worries we have like Is Manifesting a Specific Person Wrong? and wondering if what we’re doing is spiritually or socially ethical.

This disconnect from what is really happening also makes these manifestations often feel easier, even though the same process is happening regardless of whether we see it as an SP manifestation or not.

Here are some examples.

You decide to manifest a free cup of coffee. Wouldn’t you know it, the next time you go in to your favorite coffee shop, your barista gets your order wrong and they offer to remake your drink for free. You indirectly manifested the thoughts and actions of a person, your barista.

You manifest a new job. Your interviewer adores you! There are more qualified people, sure, but they just get a gut feeling about you. You’re hired! You indirectly manifested the thoughts and actions of a person, your interviewer.

You manifest being in Barbados. Your brother sends you a ticket out of the blue, demanding that you come to a family gathering. You indirectly manifested the thoughts and actions of a person, your brother.

We make SP manifestations seem difficult. They’re not.

“Well Grimoire Girl, wait,” you might say. “I didn’t really manifest those people, I just focused on what I wanted and the people involved naturally played a part to give me what I focused on!”

Exactly. It is the same thing when you are intentionally, directly manifesting a relationship, behavior, or anything else from a specific person. You simply focus on what you want, and the person or people involved just have to conform so that your manifestation comes to pass. It’s really that simple.

When you manifest a specific person, you are not forcing anything or exacting some sort of malevolent mind control. You are, just like in any other manifestation, focusing on what you desire, and allowing the universe to conform.

Or, as I discuss in the post How to Understand the Multiverse of Manifestation, you are allowing the compatible reality to come to you.

With the change in your state, you naturally shift to the reality that you’re aligned with, new versions of everyone included. The bridge of events unfolds to bring you to your desire, and the people around you just play their roles.

It doesn’t matter if it is the barista getting you a free cup of coffee or if it’s your ex popping back into your life out of nowhere. Both manifestations are just things you wish to experience being orchestrated by the universe.

How We Make SP Manifestations Difficult

The way people get tripped up with SP manifestations is all the complex feelings involved. Feelings like fear, insecurity, desperation, and lack often pop up with manifestations that people often label “difficult,” like money, love, and success.

And you know what? That’s perfectly understandable.

Manifestations are often a journey of self-growth. In learning the law myself, I’ve had to address many problematic thought patterns and beliefs within myself that severely limited what I could achieve.

I talk about this a lot in my money manifestation success story, How I Tripled My Income with the Law of Assumption. I recommend reading it if the self-growth aspect of manifesting is new to you, because I talk a lot about areas where I was severely limiting myself, and how the general beliefs kept me from getting or maintaining money manifestations for a good chunk of time. That is, until I addressed them intentionally, and everything changed.

The point is that these difficulties, while they are in essence illusions, are still valid regardless.

The important thing is that we identify areas that make certain types of manifestations feel “hard,” and work to alter our concept of self to make them easy.

Manifesting can be a journey, and in the end we always come out stronger, or “closer to God.”

One Comment

  • Ariana

    Hi. That means I can have my SP no matter what? The existence of desire to reconsile with SP means it exists?.