can you manifest accidentally
Awareness,  EIYPO,  The Law

Can You Accidentally Manifest Something?

One of the questions I’ve been asked a lot since starting this blog is if manifestations can be done accidentally. Many new conscious creators are worried about policing their thoughts, and naturally wonder if manifestations can happen purely by accident.

Many people ask not wanting to know the answer.

According to the law of assumption and many similar concepts like the law of attraction, the truth is that manifestations can and do absolutely happen by accident and without us realizing it.

There have been many times in my life that something happened as a result of thoughts I hadn’t been paying attention to. These things are sometimes a delight, as I’d been thinking about them because they were desireable to me. Other times, they are unwanted manifestations, and in those times I use them as feedback to analyze and identify where in my being they arose out of.

In short, manifestations happen by accident all the time, and in reality we manifest “by accident” a lot more than we manifest on purpose.

The reason for this is that manifestations are always happening, consciously and unconsciously. Neville Goddard teaches that everything we see is pushed out from ourselves and our divine imagination. Everything we see, feel, and are is a result of what we have thought – everything in this waking world is a physical manifestation of our inner being.

This topic is very existential in nature and can take a minute to really wrap your head around. A good starting place to learn more about these concepts are Life Is But A Dream and How to Understand the Multiverse of Manifestation.

Did I Manifest My Circumstances?

Hearing that we are the source of everything can be a difficult pill to swallow, and many people who are new to manifesting or the teachings of Neville Goddard recoil at the idea that they’ve manifested the undesirable and sometimes traumatic events and experiences of their past.

In fact, I’ve met people who reject the law simply because it offends them that they experienced something undesirable because of something within them. I’ve heard it called “victim blaming” and all sorts of social terms that apply to how we interact as humans, but do not apply on a spiritual level.

My words to anyone experiencing this bitterness is that, while everything is you pushed out and therefore all earthly experiences do indeed come from within, that doesn’t mean that you can’t honor your past. In fact, processing trauma is often necessary in the manifesting process.

The law of attraction does not ask you to absolve your abusive ex-partner or toxic parent of blame for their actions or their treatment of you. The law does not tell you to to feel extra bad about how you broke your leg last week or got sick. The law does not ask you to take blame for the state of the world or all the bad news you get on your phone on a daily basis.

By no means is it meant to shame us when we acknowledge how our thoughts, fears, and beliefs affect the physical world we experience.

No, the law does not see blame, only responsibility. The two are very different things. We can both bear witness to the cause-and-effect of the physical world while also understanding that all we see is from within.

The thing to keep in mind with this is something you’ll hear a lot in the Neville Goddard space: circumstances don’t matter. Maybe circumstances do happen as a result of our thoughts and beliefs, but that is empowering rather than a source of shame. It means that any circumstances that have presented physically can be altered simply by creating a shift in the mind of the perceiver.

Why Do I Manifest Bad Things?

Often times, we manifest bad things and things we don’t want because we are worried about them, and in turn end up giving them too much focus.

I have been, and still sometimes am, guilty of doing this myself. It is easy to worry about things in the name of being prepared or in the name of likelihood and statistics, but worry supercharges anxiety and influences us to linger on the many what-ifs of the future and even the past and present in the form of assumptions about the behind-the-scenes (“so-and-so probably hates me,” “everyone noticed when I messed up during my presentation,” etc.).

The way that you stop manifesting things you don’t want is by firmly refusing to give them focus. It’s a good idea to briefly analyze what the fear is behind the worry or negative assumption for the purpose of flipping it and using it to design an equal and opposite affirmation that highlights the desirable opposite outcome.

After that, take responsibility (not blame) for how your thoughts influenced the circumstances, forgive it, and reframe for the positive manifestation.