EIYPO,  Personal,  Success Story

How I Got the Exact Pet I Wanted (A Lesson in Trusting the Bridge of Events)

In his teachings, Neville Goddard told the story of the little boy who manifested a Collie puppy. The boy, learning the law from Neville himself after tagging along with his mother to a consultation, declared eagerly that he knew now how to get the dog of his dreams, the fulfillment of which he had previously been denied. Taking Neville’s wisdom as fact, the little boy went to sleep each night imagining the dog next to him, feeling its coat and occupying the state of his wish for a dog fulfilled. Some time later, and seemingly unrelated to his wish at the time, this little boy won a writing contest. The prize was a collie puppy, the exact dog of which the boy had dreamed. Where once his parents were adamant that the boy could not keep a dog even if he were to receive one, the puppy now symbolized an accomplishment, and his parents relented and allowed him to keep the puppy. Through trust and persistence, circumstance bent to the boy’s favor to fulfill his assumption.

A remarkably similar success story happened to me in pursuit of my own dream pet, and on multiple occasions. I was not a child with parents to voice denial of my requests, but there were plenty of phantom hurdles in the road between my desire and myself.

I wanted a sphynx cat. Now, I’m aware that these wrinkly little chicken-breast gremlins are not necessarily every person’s cup of tea, but I fell in love with them through pictures and videos online. Oh how I wanted one!

But they were expensive, and in high demand. I had searched for breeders before but always came up with nothing in my area, which meant I would probably have to coordinate with someone from out-of-state and pay extra to ship a kitten with a babysitter for the flight. That was if I could even find a breeder I trusted and could afford. The whole thing seemed like a “someday” kind of desire, because the 3D seemed to have barriers in each direction.

Instead of forcing the issue, I let go of the stinging need to have one and just imagined how nice it would be to spend time with my lovely sphynx cat. I looked at pictures of the breed online, visually imagined the appearance of the kind I wanted, and imagined the warmth of its body and the feel of its velvety skin. I got specific, and I knew that my sphynx was an affectionate male kitty with a dark appearance, and he was going to be mine sooner or later. In the meantime, I enjoyed his company in my imagination.

During this entire time, I only imagined when it felt good, and didn’t worry about when it would manifest. I just trusted that one day he would be cuddled up on my lap, purring contently.

One day, while doing this daydreaming of my future kitty, I felt a natural curiosity to try again to search for a breeder. I had just received some unexpected money, and had no particular use for it, so I went online and did a search for sphynx breeders in my state.

This time, I actually found a few that were close enough that I could drive out if I wanted to. I reached out to one or two and then came across a website for a cattery that said it was on one of the islands in the Puget Sound. I lived in the Seattle area and was moving to a new place that month, and I really didn’t want to have to take a ferry to pick up a cat, but a little voice urged me to reach out anyway. I sent an email to the breeder asking for their litter schedule, letting them know what town I would be moving to, and asking them generally what to expect.

They got back to me that same day, with: “Hey, we’ll be neighbors when you move, I’m in [the next town over]!” Turns out, they had moved a few months ago and simply forgot to change those details on their website.

The breeder went on to let me know that they were expecting available kittens to be born the next month, whereas initially I’d thought I would have to wait at least a year because of the breed’s popularity. What’s more, I almost had set aside exactly as much as the total cost of the kitten – I only needed to set aside another two-hundred or so to make it happen, and I had until take-home day to do so, which was more than doable. They invited me to come to tour the cattery, which I was able to do because they were located barely fifteen minutes away from my future house.

I felt so at ease after meeting the breeder cats and getting to see some of the kittens from earlier litters. The breeder kept things clean, had several cat rooms set aside for nursing queens and kittens, did genetic health testing, and had a policy of withholding registration papers until after proof of spay or neuter. These were all things I was looking for, so I put down a deposit for a black sphynx cat that day.

The October litter came, and the breeder reached out to me so I could pick my kitten or pass and wait for a new litter. I was so excited to be picking out my kitten! But then my heart sank a little.

At this point I was confused, because I (thought) I wanted a black sphynx, and there was only one in the litter. He was already spoken for. There were a few other kittens, but even the second-darkest one was much lighter than the one blackie boy.

What gives? Doesn’t the law work? Didn’t I tell it a black sphynx? I imagined exactly the cat I wanted! Did this mean I had to wait for another litter? I didn’t want to wait any longer, that didn’t feel right.

I calmed my inner talk and looked at the pictures. Then I looked at the second-darkest cat, a light seal boy wearing a blue hair-tie as a collar. I looked at the picture for a long time, and said, “okay, that’s my kitten.”

In the weeks waiting for him to be ready to come home, the breeder posted regular pictures of Mr. Blue and his litter. The little light-colored kitten darkened every single week. Each new picture posted looked like he was an entirely different cat. His appearance quickly began to conform to the image of my dream cat in my mind. By the twelve-week mark, he looked nothing at all like he did in the picture from which I chose him.

The funny thing is this: I had originally saved a picture of the exact sphynx cat I wanted to my phone before ever starting the process. This is that picture, next to a shot of my Mr. Blue.

Down to the face markings and the eye color. The resemblance is especially stunning when you consider that he originally looked nothing like that. In my internet searches, I only saw claims of cats lightening as they age rather than darkening, which means that this isn’t even “normal.” To watch him grow into the exact cat I’d imagined having, even though it seemed to not be so, was a beautiful example of the law at work.

What’s more is that if I had gotten the black sphynx, I would not have ended up with the appearance that I preferred. Now that I know the breed better, I can see that “black” was not the actual color I visualized nor wanted, it was just the word that I thought corresponded to what I wanted.

The law didn’t care about my semantics; it knew what I asked for, and it delivered.

I want to leave you with this thought, which the experience of manifesting Mr. Blue taught me on my manifesting lifestyle journey. Mr. Blue is a living, breathing thing, supposedly with his own thoughts and “free will.” But he did not even exist until my desire demanded it to be so.

Through my thoughts Mr. Blue was conceived and born. Through my thoughts, countless other people – the breeder, the person who claimed the blackie kitten I’d thought I wanted, and the others on the waitlist who could have picked Mr. Blue but did not- orchestrated so he would be available to me and only me. Through my thoughts he was available exactly when and where was convenient for me. Through my thoughts he changed physically to appear exactly as I intended my cat to. My thoughts aligned me with his existence every step of the way.

Now, I get to pet my lovely sphynx cat and see him for what he is: as a symbol of my creative power. I got the exact cat I wanted: the color, sex, temperament, time, and place. Trust the bridge that brings you to what you want, even if it seems at first that you’re not quite getting your way. It is working, and all you have to do is allow it to happen.