law of attraction
Awareness,  EIYPO,  Limitless Beliefs,  The Law

How to Understand the Multiverse of Manifestation

It’s a hard concept to grasp.

Creation is finished. Existence is infinite. Yet, consciousness is all there is.

Manifestation is about more than just getting what you want. Of course, getting what you want is a wonderful side effect; and more than that, it is your birthright. But manifestation by truly understanding the law is so much deeper than physical things and experiences. It’s existential.

All of creation is finished, and is ours for the making.

It’s easy for it to seem paradoxical when you set the basic principles of the law out in the open with each other. Creation is finished, and yet we are creators of our own existence. How can we be conscious creators and also exist in a universe where everything has already been decided?

I’m here to tell you.

We are conscious creators in a universe where everything has already been decided because we are moving through universes. You see, if existence is truly limitless, it simply cannot be contained in one linear universe. All possibilities must be, and are, out there many times over. All of existence is infinite and condensed, and happening simultaneously.

Within the infiniteness of creation, there are infinite yet versions of you in comparably similar – but not the same – universes. Infinite universes where you are or will become a multi-millionaire. Infinite universes where you have your specific person. Infinite universes where you have all your desires.

All of those possibilities are not technically “created.” Creation is finished. All those wonderful, blissful possibilities are already out there. Every single one. They are already real, and they are finished.

It is only a matter of occupying them.

When we apply our thoughts and beliefs to our physical experience, it is not the universe that changes. True, it may seem that the world around us is shifting to align with our desire, we have actually not changed a thing about it. What is actually changing is ourselves. It is us, embodying a state of the wish fulfilled, that can no longer remain aligned with the undesirable universe from which we came. Though it seems like the external world is changing, it is the internal existence that is instead being delivered to a new physical experience. Instead of changing the finished path of the universe in which you start, you instead occupy the desired universe through your mental alignment.

We do this through consciousness. All we are is consciousness, awareness of self. We are not our bodies, or our brains, or our personalities; those are all aspects of our physical existence. The thing that makes us the powerful beings we are is consciousness. Becoming aware through consciousness is the vehicle by which we select our occupied realities.

We are doing this all the time, whether we ever become aware of the process or not. We constantly shift through an unlimited number of similar universes with each thought. Sometimes the shift is unnoticeable and mundane; they often go unnoticed. Other times, the shift is significant and desirable; and we call it manifestation.

When you align your assumptions and beliefs to a new pattern of thinking, you align yourself to the universe in which those assumptions and beliefs are physical fact.

It’s my answer every time I receive a question about SPs, “free will,” and EIYPO. Free will does not exist, because you simply do not manipulate people like a puppeteer when you manifest specific people. You occupy universes in which a person behaves or thinks the way they do in your inner truth. The old them is in-tact, you simply no longer experience it. It is all about you and what you experience – not about anyone else, period. You only change yourself.

This is the understanding that many manifesters unfortunately never really grasp. And you can still manifest your desires without this understanding, but knowing this information is truly like an awakening to your real power. It makes every desire so limitless and attainable. It makes us powerful.

Though this concept may be daunting, I encourage you to take it as comfort. Comfort that all possibilities are already available to you to simply reach out and take with no more effort than the simple application of thought. Comfort that your every desire, no matter how far-fetched, does in fact exist; and it exists infinite times over.

Existence is absolutely abundant with your exact desire, and all you need to do to have it is to become conscious of it.