exams law of attraction
Releasing Resistance,  Success Story,  Techniques

I Manifested an Exam Deadline Extension

Sometime last year I decided that I wanted to, eventually, gain a certification in my career industry. This certification came with a tedious exam and a hefty exam fee.

But as you may have read in my article, How I Tripled My Income with the Law of Assumption, life happened and I had a lot of other things to focus on in the months after purchasing my certification exam package. I built a new business, changed my living situation, and a whole lot more in those months.

Refreshing my knowledge with the exam information just wasn’t my top priority at the time.

The exam package I purchased came with a registration deadline, so I picked the date furthest out that I had access to, and kept it in the back of my mind that I needed to do my refresher studying and make sure I was ready for my exam.

But life kept happening, and admittedly I allowed myself to procrastinate. My exam date started creeping closer and closer, and eventually I had to put everything else aside to make sure I was able to get the studying in that I needed to do.

For a couple weeks I tore through the study material. I was kind of anxious, because the practice quizzes provided to me seemed to be worded oddly and I wasn’t super confident that I would pass based on the 3D, despite having the applied knowledge in the field.

Even so, I kept studying and working on it, the whole time thinking in the back of my mind, “if I just had a little more time, that would be amazing.”

I used a manifesting technique I always use when faced with resistance (the anxiety and lack of confidence I was feeling at the time): imagining the worst-case scenario, and allowing even that to be okay.

In this case, the worse-case scenario was that I wouldn’t pass the test on the first try from lack of enough refresher studying, and I would have to pay a hundred-dollar retake fee. In this worst case scenario, the only hurt I would have to face was a slight bruise to my ego and a hundred dollars. And even in the worst-case scenario, I would get more study time and be relieved of any anxiety.

After addressing and allowing the worst-case scenario, I moved on to imagining my favored outcome.

I imagined the sense of relief after passing a test.

“What a relief,” was one of my affirmations. “I’m so glad I passed on my first try.”

I also imagined celebrating the relief by going to a bar I liked with my partner, and announcing to the staff there that I had passed my exam and was certified.

After that, I just applied myself to studying.

I passed my practice tests, but not with flying colors by any means. I still kept wishing that I had more time.

The day before my exam, I did some last-minute studying and finally set down my textbook. It was time to relax, because cramming was just going to add to my anxiety. I focused on the desired outcome and released it to trust.

The morning of my exam I had set an alarm to wake up early in order to get to the testing site with enough time to navigate and get set up.

I woke up an noticed I had a text message from a person from the testing site. The text was letting me know that both proctors for the exam had an unexpected fever that morning, and my exam had been cancelled for safety. I was instructed to call the test distributor to get set up with a new date.

Just like that, I manifested extra study time.

After making a couple calls, I ended up with up to four months of extra study time, if I wanted to space it out that far.

I certainly don’t need four months of extra study time for my rescheduled exam (I will most likely take only a few extra weeks), but what a relief it was to be gifted more than enough time to feel comfortable and confident in the outcome.

I think what I would like you, the reader, to take away from this law of assumption exams success story is that you shouldn’t be afraid of the worst-case or unfavorable scenarios. You can still get what you want by facing those fears head-on and accepting them.

Just trust that the game is rigged in your favor, and fear will yield to you.