Awareness,  Limitless Beliefs,  The Law

The Illusion of Time and Why it Doesn’t Matter

Where is my manifestation?

We’re all guilty of this nagging impatience at some point or another. Insecure expectancy is only a human trait, deeply exacerbated by the world of instant gratification in which we live. We are conditioned to see the illusion of scarcity, and we expect to get what we want fast or not at all. We fool ourselves with appearances and, understandably, apply those attitudes to manifestation. When things seem to be taking a long time, we become easily disheartened. We stare at the clock or helicopter over our manifesting process and our 3D world, all the while lingering on the thought of, “why, why is it taking so much time?”

The funny thing about impatience is that it’s based on another illusion: time.

Time is a human construct, a way for our 3D experience to unfold in a way we can process and make sense of. Time allows us to fully experience our physical existence by separating our world into digestible events. We create cause and effect, fast and slow, before and after, past and future, and devise systems to observe the passage of a thing that only exists because we have decided it to be so. The truth about time is that is it exists only as a concept of humankind.

Time has no meaning to manifestation, magic, and the law. The only reality is the eternal NOW.

When we look at our 3D and get impatient with the lack of perceivably immediate “results,” we trap ourselves further in the illusion. It’s a natural process to which we’re conditioned, to look at our sensory experience or 3D world and assign truth to what we see. But while natural and understandable, it’s a reaction that is important to de-condition whether for the purpose of a single manifestation or for a manifesting lifestyle.

The reason for this is that the impatience we feel as a result of focusing on our perception of time actually creates the lack from which we have to break away. When you are counting the weeks or even days until your manifestation “arrives,” you are declaring with all of your being that you do not have the thing you desire!

We know that states/feelings manifest. If your state is the state of waiting, and your feeling is is the feeling of impatience, what becomes your 3D world? More waiting and more impatience.

It’s important to break this cycle of frustrated expectation and understand that time has no impact on getting what you want. After all, when your manifestation comes, you will no longer think about the time you spent without it. And when you understand that time doesn’t truly exist, the feeling of waiting makes less and less sense.

It is very common for the misperception of reality to go hand-in-hand with the misperception of time. Because all of our physical reality exists simultaneously in a single infinite moment, you are, visibly or not, already joined with your desire. When you enter your mind and sink into the comfortable, natural feeling of having what you want, you join with the actual real thing you want. It is no less real than if it were physically right in front of you. The concept of reality and the concept of time are both only clever illusions which fool us into a state of lack.

By focusing only on the state of the wish fulfilled and reminding ourselves that these convenient little illusions only serve to help us process the beautiful world at the call of our creation, we allow our desires into our physical experience. Allow your desires in by accepting them, in the eternal now, as the truth.