Limitless Beliefs

The Five Biggest Myths About the Law of Attraction

Most of us begin with the law of attraction. Some of us see a level of success with the teachings going around YouTube or in popular self-help books. But more often than not, we’re bombed with a million terms and phrases, contradicting information, and a lot of concepts brought in from outside the LOA source material.

Myths and misconceptions are abundant, and can create a big rift in one’s ability to achieve the important states. We overthink, worry about things that don’t matter, and end up overlooking the things that do matter. These are the five biggest misconceptions I hear – repeatedly – about manifestation.

Myth #1: You Have To Raise Your Vibration

This is a limiting belief I hear absolutely nonstop. I see it everywhere. Raise your vibration and good things will come! You can’t get your desire if your mood isn’t right!


Let me be clear: you can manifest absolutely anything you want while also being absolutely miserable. You can manifest while feeling on top of the world. Emotion is distinctly different than feeling, and your manifestations will not be ruined because you needed to feel your human emotions. And, there is no universal rule that says you can’t have your SP or money or a nice body while also having depression, anxiety, or just not being in a good mood!

Myth #2: You Can’t/Shouldn’t Manifest a Specific Person

There’s a lot of shame out there attached to the idea of manifesting a specific person. A lot of us buy into that shame, and feel even worse about our situation from it. New manifestors are told that it’s not ethical to “manipulate” a specific person into loving you with the law, that they should just manifest having a great relationship and “go general” instead. What’s worse is that there’s so many voices saying that it can’t be done, clinging to the idea that free will exists.

The truth is that free will is as much of a myth as any other. Everyone is you pushed out.

Manifesting a specific person is not only doable, but natural and normal. Everyone who has ever had a crush on someone, imagined being with them, and eventually ended up with them, has manifested a specific person. Neville Goddard manifested specific people, including his wife. I myself have manifested specific people on multiple occasions and turned around some wild circumstances in each one.

Manifesting a specific person is where a lot of us start in manifesting, and it should be encouraged as a fantastic way to realize your true power, as a gateway into living a manifesting lifestyle, and as a way to realize one of our most basic desires.

Myth #3: Karma/Threefold Law

I want to be clear when I talk about Karma, the rule of three, and other terms that originated in their own respective religions, that I am not disputing or even speaking of the original meaning of these terms. The myth I’m dispelling here is the appropriated version of these thoughts that relate them to the idea that, essentially, what goes around comes around.

In reality, magic is gray. The universe does not have morality. What’s more, every possibility and eventuality is already finished, in infinite different universes. We simply select the one that we wish to experience. If you manifest something bad, you only manifest yourself into that universe. You don’t create the actual circumstances! All infinite good and all infinite evil already exist, and you are simply the observer that assigns them meaning and even makes them “real.”

Myth #4: You Always Have to Check Your Negative Emotions

This is a myth in which I myself have fallen in the past. It’s one of the things we misconstrue in the Neville community when we talk about mental diets and flipping the script. Mental diet is important, but a lot of us forget sometimes that it is okay – and even necessary – to sit with negative emotions, feel them, and process them. Processing negative emotions is so imperative to the process of letting go and letting the old man die.

Avoiding and suppressing thoughts and feelings out of fear they might manifest further only creates more resistance towards the things we desire. It’s important to confront our fears and feelings about undesired circumstances and emotions so that we can process them and allow them to pass.

Myth #5: There Is A Right/Wrong Way to Manifest

Manifesting is an intimate and personal experience, and no individual technique or guideline is going to be universally correct for everyone. Someone might tell you online that their special, systematic, proven and patented method can be yours at the easy price of just $1900, but the truth is that their technique is really only “proven” for them, not for you and not as a universal truth.

When you keep in mind that techniques and methods are not the thing that manifests, the methodology becomes a non-issue. Do you like casting spells at an altar? Do you pray to a god or your higher self? Do you visualize or script? Do you affirm, or just assume? It doesn’t matter, as long as you come to dwell in the awareness of the wish fulfilled. When you reach the state of the sabbath or imaginative impotence, the vehicle that brought you it is no longer important.

At the end of the day, the technique that is important is the technique that works for you.