SATS,  Techniques,  Visualization

How to Visualize Using the State Akin to Sleep

A common term in the Neville community is “SATS,” or “state akin to sleep.” It is one of many techniques used to impress a desire or belief upon the subconscious mind, and is often touted as the most potent of them all. Coined and taught by Neville Goddard himself and often the topic of conversation in online communities and YouTube videos, it’s difficult to avoid talk of the SATS method even in the broader

The SATS method, as described by Neville, is the act of relaxing the body and mind and focusing on visualizing a scene. Unlike other visualizations, SATS scenes are specifically scenes that would imply the realization of the wish fulfilled, as opposed to a direct visualization of the wish itself. SATS scenes tend to be short – only a few seconds long – and are looped until the meditation ends. In SATS, it’s encouraged that the end of the meditation should be a transition into sleep, with the scene looping until you drift off.

Conscious creation ultimately comes down to impressing the subconscious mind. The concept behind SATS, and the reason for its popularity, is that the act of falling asleep while looping a scene is believed to cause the scene to permeate the mind and impress the subconscious mind more effectively. SATS aims to impress the subconscious directly by entering the sleepy state for which it is named, in which the conscious analytic mind is less active yet we still have a level of conscious control over our thoughts. The scene is short to allow the visualization to be digestible, and looped to train the mind through repetition. This potency is heightened even further when you fall asleep in the act of looping the chosen scene, because the mind is fully saturated with the wish fulfilled when the subconscious mind enters its most dominant period. Neville even stressed that falling asleep while doing the state akin to sleep visualization resulted in further impression during the sleeping hours.

Needless to say, the SATS technique is popular for a reason.

Getting started with SATS is fairly simple: sit in a comfortable chair or lay down as if you were about to go to sleep. Relax your body and quiet your mind. Then, decide on a scene that implies your wish fulfilled, such as receiving a congratulations from a friend on your achievement, or touching your specific person’s hand and seeing your rings next to each other. Loop that short scene in your mind, occupying it with multi-sensory awareness and living it over and over again.

Some who are new to manifestation will have trouble focusing on the visualization at first. It’s okay if your mind drifts off; just guide it back gently, resuming the exercise whenever your mind wanders away from the task. Repetition, as always, is key here. As you continue the practice, it becomes easier to do.

Neville recommended doing SATS as a ritual, repeating it each night until reaching the sabbath, or divine indifference. But while SATS is a powerful technique with many advantages, it’s important to remember that techniques are not what manifests or creates, and manifestations will still come to pass with or without the state akin to sleep. SATS is one road to take to find the desired state.

For me, adding SATS to my bedtime ritual is one of many ways I live my manifesting lifestyle. I enjoy falling asleep to the thought of my desires realized, sleeping in the state of the wish fulfilled, and waking up feeling aligned with my intentions. What better way is there to conclude the day than by connecting to your divine wish?